No one likes to be at places that smell bad and you must always be careful about how your house and surrounding smell. To avoid bad odors that might get stuck in your bedrooms/ kitchen or other surroundings, we have gathered some interesting hacks for you.
Baking Soda
Baking soda is one of the most commonly used item when it comes to remedies related to banish bad odors. You can keep an open box of plain baking soda in the refrigerator and it will neutralize bad odors. Sprinkle some around the corners of your space to get rid of smell.
Coffee beans can also do the trick for you. You can use new or leftover coffee grounds and simply place them inside fridge or oven and it will also absorb unpleasant odors.
Putting a lemon slice in small surroundings/ fridge/ refrigerator can also help you get rid of build up smell.
Air Fresheners in Closets
To keep your closets and drawers fresh, sprinkle few drops of essential oils or use a tin can air freshener that can be placed without disturbing anything. This way your items inside the drawers and closet will feel fresh and smell good.