Makeup Brushes for Vents
The dust on your car vents can be cleaned using your thick make up brushes. Simply wipe away the dust on the vents using a makeup brush and you are good to go.
Olive oil
Thinking of how to get a shiny dashboard? You can use olive oil to make your dashboard look new and shiny. Simply take few drops of olive oil and rub it to your dashboard.
To clean small crevices use an old toothbrush as its convenient and effective to clean the car’s inaccessible parts. You can even dampen the toothbrush for sticky stains.
Baby wipes
Another efficient way to keep you car clean and tidy is by making use of baby wipes. Since the wipes are moist and for cleaning purposes, they work best to clean the car surfaces and interior. They are also a cost effective solution.
Air Freshener
After all these hacks of cleanliness, the cherry on top to keep your car clean and fresh is to definitely use a car air freshener. You can use one depending on your choice of scents and mildness as well.